Write Now Publishing Company Young Adult Mentoring.

Founder /Managing Editor /Publisher

Finding a mentor can be difficult but finding the right mentor (one you mesh with) takes skill and know how. The best way to find the right mentor is by letting it happen organically. There may be someone at work, church or in your social group that you like and trust. Try them out by asking questions and see if their advice is wise or sound. If that is the case, you may consider asking them to mentor you. My mentor is Maya Angelou. I have never met her personally, but I did see her speak at a Speaker’s series. She is a writer, poet, singer and actress. She is my mentor because she inspires my creatively and empowers my soul. She is entertaining and prolific. Maya Angelou talks about the hard, cold facts of life. At the same time, she makes you laugh and cry. While she was living, she seemed to take life as it came; always looking for the lesson. These qualities make her the perfect mentor for me. What qualities are you looking for in a mentor?

I personally have mentored many young men and women. However, I did not look for them, they found me. Mentoring others in a specific talent and has been an organic but rewarding experience for me. Try giving back by mentoring others. By now you may have seen enough of my site to determine if you would like a writing mentor. If the answer is, “Yes”, send me a chat.

Maya Angelou- Phenomenal Woman

Thank you,

Dr. Peggy Woods

English Spanish